Horaires et tarifs
Dear Sirs,
Below we are pleased to offer you the following material:
PET bottle 99/1 (Origin: USA)
Source: beverage bottles
small % of green bottle
Load in 40’container: 19-21 MT
Quantity: 5-7 loads per month
Packing: in bales
Please give us your bid price idea (CFR)
Attached are some pictures.
All cargo is offered subject unsold. Kindly advise us of your firm interest
Le saluda atentamente - Best regards,
- Albaladejo
Via Augusta, 29 6º
ANR-Nº: N-10141
TEL.: +34-93-5952070
FAX: +34-93-2429080
CELL: +34-659 363 586
EMAIL: jalbaladejo@furerplastick.com
SKYPE: juan.albaladejo